So I was FINALLY inspired to play with colour today (it's about time!) and decided to go for super bright, obnoxious yellow and green eyeshadow. This is the very first time I've ever worn yellow eyeshadow... very exciting, I know.
I kept it simple and didn't add any eyeliner (although I did line my waterline)... I wanted my eyeshadow to be to focus. Unfortunately I was a bit too matchy matchy today because I wore a green sweater... I wouldn't recommend matching your eyeshadow to your outfit too much. For example, wearing pink eyeshadow with a pink dress would be waayyy too much. But I did my makeup before I chose what I was wearing and my mom was bitching at me to hurry up because she was waiting for me to go to the mall so IT'S NOT MY FAULT! Anyway, hope you likey :)
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